Friday, September 3, 2010

Starting School Again...

In March I got my Associates degree in Audio Production at the Art Institute of Seattle, and after graduating I transferred to the University of Minnesota, where I will be getting my Bachelor's degree in Studies in Cinema and Media Culture. Today I had my orientation and registered for classes. School starts on Tuesday, and we transfer students were the last of all the students to register for fall classes, so we got slim pickins. Having said that, though, I am pretty happy with my schedule. I was lucky enough to get into the Intro to Film Studies class. I thought for sure it would be full, but there were a few spots still open. I am also taking Intro Ideas of Statistics, and Beginning Ojibwe I, both of which should be really cool. Finding a fourth class, however, was pretty difficult. All of the other Cinema Studies courses were all full, as well as the women's studes and journalism courses (I'm interested in minoring in one of those). So, I looked at the theater classes that were open, and I ended up adding this class called Acting for Non-Majors. I suppose it has some relevance to my chosen major, but I'm probably going to be terrible. Having said that, I am really excited to start school on Tuesday. U of M is definitely a lot different than AIS. AIS had only two buildings I had to go to, and the U has, like, a million, so I'm probably going to end up getting lost.

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