Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Guillermo del Toro making Frankenstein!!!

I'm pretty sure the universe has been reading my mind because one of my favorite film directors is adapting one of my all-time favorite stories, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I mean, what could be more perfect than that? I guess its not going to made for quite a while because Guillermo del Toro has a million other projects lined up, including The Hobbit, but I bet that it will be worth waiting for. I don't think that there is a single movie that he has made that I didn't like. Pan's Labrynth, The Devil's Backbone, and Hellboy are all fantastic! I read that its not going to be a literal adaptation, but more of an interpretation of the classic story. I also read that the monster's make-up will be based on the drawings done by Bernie Wrightson for the illustrated version of Frankenstein, and that the moster will be played by, of course, Doug Jones. Doug Jones has played Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movies, Pan and the Pale Man in Pan's Labrynth, and the Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four 2. I'm pretty sure that out of all those movies, the only one where you hear his actual voice is Hellboy 2 because someone else dubs the characters voices in the other ones. So, anyway, you can read more about this here, and here are some of the drawings of Frankenstein by Bernie Wrightson.

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